Swodesh Rijal

DOI: 10.26480/bda.02.2019.23.25

Climate change is the burning issue of today’s world. Climate change itself as a natural process but in recent years it will lead to changes in rainfall pattern, variation in temperature, sea level rises, increasing severity and various extreme weather events. Small landholder farmers (Subsistence) are unable to cope with such climatic hazards but there is a tremendous scope of expanding agroforestry. Climate change is well buffered, and resilience builds up by Agroforestry. It is the sustainable land use system where integration of woody perennials, crops and livestock on the same unit of land. Improved farm productivity, environmental sustainability, food security, income diversification, specific coping strategies, better standard of living, soil and water conservation etc are major benefit of agroforestry. Sustainability attributes of agroforestry and carbon sequestration by trees shown potential towards climate change mitigation (GHG reduction) and adaptation. Various Agroforestry systems have own mitigation and adaptation potential towards climate variability. Among various categories and components, Tree like Dalbergia sisoo, Acacia nilotica, Magnifera indica, Gmelina etc plays a crucial role in agroforestry. Tree on farm perform production (Wood, timber, gums, essential oil), protection (Physical, biological), regulation (hydrological cycle, global warming, carbon sequestration) functions. So, Agroforestry considered as a weapon in climate change fight. Agroforestry could be a viable option of livelihood development as well. Therefore, an attempt was made to review on Agroforestry, benefits, its role in carbon sequestration and potential towards climate change mitigation and adaptation.

Climate Change, Agroforestry, Benefits