Ankita Poudel
DOI: 10.26480/bda.01.2023.06.09
Urban gardening consists of various organic productions, environmental protection, and medicinal supply as well, in a limited space. This study was done to know the status of production from such gardening in Bharatpur Metropolitan-10, Nepal. First-hand data from 101 respondents using random sampling was piloted to recognize the strengths and weaknesses of various aspects related to urban gardening. It is observed that a large number of urban householders have created small gardens for ornamental, medicinal, fruits, and vegetables in their households. Maximum householders have 155 to 190 m2 areas for their home gardens, where the presence of seasonal flowers as outdoor flowers, aloe vera as an indoor plant, lime as a fruit, and holy basil as a medicinal plant are found at their maximum. Farmyard manure as fertilizer and inorganic pesticides are used most often where people invest NRs. 2000 to 3000 for fertilizer and less than NRs. 1000 for pesticides per year. The majorities of people buy or use old home seeds and use clay pots for cultivation. It was identified that most people grow 40 to 60% of the required vegetables in their own home gardens, where most of them spend about 1 hour per day on garden work.
Organic Production, Ornamental Gardening, Medicinal Plants, Fertilizer, Home Garden.